UpTek Solutions
C. And C. Laser Engineering is the distributor for UpTek Solutions in India
UpTek Solutions is globally known for producing top-quality Picosecond laser systems, ultrafast oscillators and amplifiers. It is also popular for manufacturing quality Q-switched nano-second DPSS Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF and Nd:YVO4 lasers, and femtosecond laser micromachining systems.These products are designed and developed for scientific and industrial applications. C. And C. Laser Engineering is the distributor for UpTek Solutions in India.
A team of lasers engineers from R & D of UpTek Solutions regularly coordinate with their customers to understand their requirements and strive to provide the optimum solutions for system integration and laser applications.
Series of Industrial and Scientific Lasers from UpTek Solutions are given below. These lasers are to be constantly kept in water-cooled conditions and hence UpTek Solutions deliver these lasers with chillers.
- Ultrafast Ti:Sapphire Amplifiers
- Diode-Pumped Solid-State Q-Switched Nd:YAG and YLF Lasers
- All Fibre Oscillators and Ti: Sapphire Oscillators
Products from UpTek Solutions
DPSS Q-Switched Nanosecond Lasers
UpTek Solutions is popular for offering durable and consistent DPSS Q-Switched Nanosecond Lasers operating at the wavelengths of 527nm, 532nm, and 1064nm.

Mode-Locked Femtosecond Oscillators
Low maintenance and its high stability are the distinguishing features of Mode-Locked Femtosecond Oscillator Laser from UpTek Solutions.

Ultrafast Ti: Sapphire Amplifiers

Sparrow - Diode pumped passively Q-switched solid state laser
Sparrow from UpTek Solutions is a laser that is based on a microchip with multiple frequencies. It is a diode-pumped passively Q-switched, water-free, solid-state laser. UpTek Solutions has enhanced and optimized Sparrow to offer a compact and sturdy package of TEM00, minimal divergence, ~1 nanosecond pulses.

Diode pumped passively Q-switched solid state laser
The Sparrow Laser System developed by UpTek Solutions is available in different models of various wavelengths. These are Sparrow-1064, Sparrow-532 and Sparrow-355.
The Sparrow system is designed for varied range of applications and these are
- Light Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)
- Laser ablation / micromachining
- Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy (TOFS)
- Time Resolved Spectroscopy (TRS)
- Raman spectroscopy
Sabray Ultra-precision Micromachining System
Sabray the Ultrafast – Laser Micromachining System from UpTek Solution is known for high dependability and consistency in industrial sector long term applications. It has a huge range of applications in the industry and scientific sectors.
It is extensively used in laser etching, 3D carving and surface treatment, touch screen ITO cutting apart from drilling and cutting of metals, semiconductors, ceramics and other materials.