MegaWatt Lasers
C. And C. Laser Engineering offers products from MegaWatt Lasers in India.
MegaWatt Lasers since its formation in 1990 is manufacturing, offering consultancy, carrying out extensive research to develop and offer customized solutions in a solid-state laser.
Megawatt Lasers has produced application-related solid-state lasers with superior diffuse reflector pump chambers (pump cavities) at their R and D laboratory situated in South Carolina, USA.
Megawatt Lasers has developed Laser-induced Systems for Breakdown Spectroscopy technology and this has been due to in-depth research and sustained efforts of their team in R & D.
C. And C. Laser Engineering offers products from Megawatt Lasers in India. Megawatt Lasers manufactures the finest laser pump chambers for a range of applications for all solid-state wavelengths. The pump chamber designs manufactured by Megawatt Lasers are durable, give an exceptional performance, and are developed to cater to challenging requirements of all types of laser system design.
Megawatt Lasers using their gamut of experience and expertise have optimized their pump chamber to incorporate some essential features such as high-efficiency diffuse reflectors and symmetric radial cooling. They have a sufficient stock of standard pump chambers to supply immediately on demand. Megawatt Lasers also develop modular designs that help reduce cost and improve performance.
Products from Megawatt Lasers
Diffuse Reflector Laser Cavities
Salient Features of Diffuse Reflector Laser Cavities –
- Availability of configurations for all Constant Wave (CW) and Pulsed Solid-State Laser Media.
- Close-Coupled Diffuse Reflector Design resulting in the highest efficiency and Pump uniformity.
Diffuse Reflector Pump Chambers - One of the significant features is the radially uniform coolant flow that leads to a reduction in aspheric thermal lensing in high average power applications.
- Diffuse reflector pump chambers are available with Synthetic Fused Silica which enables high-temperature resistance and Fluorescent Converting Doped Glass Filter Tubes. as this helps to offer high thermal resistance, chemical purity, chemical resistant, and non-hygroscopic.
- There are multi-rod and multi-lamp configurations available from MegaWatt Lasers.
- These diffuse reflector pump chambers are constructed using raw material that is suitable and adaptable to High Purity Coolants.
- Availability of Standard, Custom and OEM configurations
MegaWatt Lasers created Laser assemblies are ideally suitable for OEM’s or R & D applications. These Laser assemblies include laser components such as pump chamber, flashlamp, laser rod, trigger electronics, and resonator optics custom-made for the related application.

Resonator Models from MegaWatt Lasers are
1.064 µm Nd:YAG
1.54 µm Er:Glass
2.94 µm Er:YAG
2.09 µm CTH:YAG
0.71-0.80 µm Alexandrite
2.08 µm Ho:Cr:Tm:YAG
2.79 µm Cr,Er:YSGG
From the MegaWatt family of eye-safe 1535 nm Microlasers

Drivers and Electronics

Laser Components from MegaWatt Lasers

MegaWatt Lasers along with the above-mentioned components also offers cooling systems, diagnostics, packaging and much more.
Application specific Lasers from MegaWatt Lasers
MegaWatt Lasers has developed lasers in the following applications –
- Medical
- Industrial
- R & D
- Academia
- DoD